Functional & Electroactive Nanomaterials -Lab | Siaj Group

Growth of 2D Materials: Beyond Graphene and Transition Metal Dichalcogenide

FEN-Lab is an experimental materials chemistry laboratory at UQAM in the city of Montreal. We are developing and studying novel 2D materials including carbon nanomaterials based graphene, nanoparticules coated grapehene, Boron Nitrade and Transition Metal Dichalcoginides. Our research is focused on the development of new processes, materials and device structures using chemical vapor deposition-based techniques and wet-chemistry route.​



  • Welcome to Ghada Ahmad Fawzy Garaween  who began a PhD in our group in January 2021!
  • Welcome to Abrego Martinez, JuanCarlos  who began a Postdoc position in our group in November 2020!
  • Welcome to Ameer Malkawi  who began a PhD in our group in January 2020!
  • Welcome to Abdelrahman, Ameen Shehata Taha  who began a PhD  in January 2020 as a bridging student between UQAT and UQAM!
  • Welcome to Elena Rezaei  who began a PhD in our group in January 2020!
  • Welcome to Malam Mahamadou Issa  who began a PhD in our group in January 2020!
  • Welcome to Athimotlu Raju Rajamani who began a postdoc in our group in September 2019!

We are always looking for motivated and talented students. There are presently graduate positions open for research in the areas of 2D material growth, 2D materials based sensors, and Emerging two-dimensional nanomaterials for electrochemical hydrogen evolution. Contact us!